Cheers to Teamwork and Triumphs: Reflecting on a Year Well Spent!

Hey there! Can you believe it? Another whirlwind of a year is coming to an end, and as I sit here sipping my coffee, I can't help but feel the need to reflect on the incredible year we've had together.

First things first, let's raise a mug to the unsung hero of success – Team Dynamics - that merry dance that keeps business owners on their twinkle toes!.

I've always believed that teamwork makes the dream work, and this year has been a shining example of that.

From navigating people challenges to celebrating victories, we’ve seen firsthand some of the remarkable changes that collective efforts have made in some brilliant businesses. It's one of our favourite bits at Human Everything, watching brilliant things take shape, so, here's a virtual high-five to the amazing business leaders and their teams we’ve worked with this year who made it happen!

Reflecting on the year, one thing that stands out is the importance of vulnerability. Every one of our amazing business leaders and members of their teams have made positive changes in their business by (whether they knew it or not!) being vulnerable.

Vulnerability based trust is the basic foundation, the starting block, the very essence of any great team and we figured that in this final blog of 2023, this is a great time to reflect back on the work of Patrick Lencioni and his model of what makes great teams.

1. Trust - The Solid Ground of Dance: Trust is the foundation of any relationship, business or otherwise. It’s having each others’ back when things get wobbly. No trust, and you're doing a solo dance, my friend. Create an environment where your team feels safe to share ideas and opinions.

2. Conflict - Spice Up the Dance Floor: Conflict is not the enemy; it's the secret ingredient that turns a bland salsa into a fiesta. Don't shy away from healthy debates. In a workplace, differences in opinion can spark innovation. Just remember, it's about the idea, not the person.

3. Commitment - Dancing to the Same Beat: Ever been to a party where everyone's dancing to a different tune? Awkward, right? Your team needs to be on the same page. Make sure everyone understands the business goals and is committed to the success of your business.

4. Accountability - Keeping Each Other in Check: In our dance metaphor, accountability is like having a dance partner who ensures you don't spin out of control. Hold yourself and your team accountable for the promises made. It's the key to avoiding a dance disaster.

5. Results - The Grand Finale: At the end of the day, it's all about the results. Did you rock the dance floor, or did you trip over your own feet? Focus on the outcome, celebrate the wins (no matter how small), and learn from the missteps.

Understanding how you and your team members tick is a game-changer. It's like knowing your dance partner's favourite moves and adapting to them. Tools like DISC can give you insights into communication styles, making collaboration smoother than ever.

Even if your 'team' consists of remote freelancers or suppliers, communication is the glue that holds it all together. Be clear about expectations, listen actively, and don't underestimate the power of a friendly chat – virtual or otherwise.

If you want to start 2024 with a bang, here’s our check list of things to be working on! If you want a chat with us - virtual or otherwise, get in touch!

Have an amazing end to 2023 and see you in the New Year!


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