Don’t be an Ostrich in 2024!

What gets measured gets managed.

Whether you love or loathe this concept, we do know that we cant make any positive change to anything if we don’t know what we are dealing with.

The same is true of your business, and how the people in your teams are feeling about it.

You may think that how people feel at work doesn’t matter. You’re here to do a job, not sit in a circle holding hands and talking about feelings.


But here’s the truth – it DOES matter. What we are talking about is a concept called Employee Engagement.

Whether you have heard of this or not, it’s a thing. There’s been a shed-load of research carried out on employee engagement in the UK and it’s a BIG DEAL.


Employee engagement in a nutshell, is the emotional commitment and involvement that your people have towards your business. Humans are not machines, devoid of emotions, feelings and attachment. We feel and we apply effort based on how we feel about things, and your business is included in that.

If your people are engaged, they are more likely to be dedicated, motivated, in alignment with your goals and committed to doing a great job. Which is what we all want, right? Because happy and motivated people mean higher productivity and better business outcomes for you.

So here’s a little list of why you should be thinking about employee engagement.

  1. Productivity: Engaged employees tend to be more productive, contributing positively to the overall performance of the organisation.

  2. Retention: Engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs, reducing turnover costs and maintaining institutional knowledge.

  3. Innovation: Engaged employees are often more creative and willing to contribute innovative ideas that can benefit the company.

  4. Customer Satisfaction: Engaged employees are more likely to provide excellent customer service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  5. Company Culture: Employee engagement is closely tied to the company's culture, influencing how employees interact with each other and clients.

To put a little more meat on the bones,

    • According to Gallup's global survey, only 9% of UK workers report feeling enthused by their work and workplace.

    • A study by Aon Hewitt found that companies with high levels of employee engagement experienced 22% higher profitability compared to those with low engagement.

    • Research by Oxford Economics and Unum shows that the average cost of turnover per employee (earning £25,000 a year or more) is £30,614.

    • …that means if you replace three employees on this wage in one year, the cost of employee turnover will be close to £92,000.

    • Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their organisations than their disengaged counterparts (Gallup).

    • In order to fight the high turnover rates experienced in many areas and increase retention, organisations identified employee engagement as their number one priority in the State of People Strategy Report 2023.

These are all great reasons to not bury your head and ignore your employee engagement figures!

So how do you go about finding out what your employee engagement levels are?

I’m so happy you asked.

That’s the easy part.

All you need to do, is carry out an engagement survey. And this is where we can come in.

Human Everything have been running engagement surveys for businesses for years, and we are perfectly positioned to run your survey, crunch the numbers and provide a detailed report for your business with areas of recommendation for you to get started on.

For your initial time input of mere minutes and around ten minutes of time from your people, we can provide you with deep insights into your business that will help you to focus on how to take your engagement to the next level.

  • Because what you don’t measure, won’t get managed.

  • This isn’t fluffy “people stuff”.

  • It’s a strategic business imperative that directly influences your organisational success and sustainability.

So don’t be an ostrich in 2024.

Start your employee engagement journey today!

Find out more here!



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