The Human Everything Fun Quiz of the Year… the Results!

We know that you are not going to be able to enjoy Christmas without the big reveal of the answers to the Human Everything Fun Quiz of 2023…

…so before you enter into mince pie oblivion, here are the answers:

1. Britain won a World Cup in Tokyo this year, beating 20 other countries to the top spot... but what were we so good at?

Answer: It was litter picking!

2. A 2-day old kitten found in a bin at the last minute by the driver of a refuse lorry before being crushed by the compactor has found a new home in time for Christmas. What name has the kitten been given?

Answer: Tiny Tim.

3. Staying with the theme of "last-minute rescues", a man in Reading was saved by a construction crane driver when he found himself trapped on the roof of a burning high-rise. What was the man doing that caught the eye of the crane driver that led to his rescue?

Answer: He was waving his coat about.

4. A new excavation site at Pompeii has revealed a well preserved fresco showing a picture of a platter with various food items on it - one of which looks very much like pizza. But why is there almost no chance that this is in fact a pizza?

Answer: Because tomato's are native to South America and mozzarella hadn't been invented then.

5. September saw the return of a satirical contest held annually in Montenegro where competitors see who can lie down for the longest. You heard that right. What is the coveted title they are trying to win?

Answer: Laziest Citizen.

6. A kangaroo who escaped during transport to her new home was finally captured by police in Canada in December, but what did she do prior to her arrest?

Answer: Punched a police officer in the face.

7. It was a soggy summer this year.... what did the groundskeepers at Wimbledon use to dry the grass at Centre Court?

Answer: Leaf blowers.

8. In a rather grizzly lawsuit, American food chain, the rather aptly named "Chopt" has been taken to court over an alleged contaminated salad served to customers. What were customers allegedly chewing on?

Answer: A portion of human finger.

9. A Great White Shark lost their tag this year and residents of a Scottish town were alerted to see if they could find it washed up on their local beach. However, there was a mix up and the tag was actually found in a town of the same name, in New Zealand. But... who found the tag?

Answer: A dog called Quasi.

Congratulations to those of you who took part and got some correct answers! It has come down to a tie-breaker situation - the winner will be announced shortly!


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