Unlocking Post-Summer Success: 3 Strategies for a Smooth Return to Business

There are mince pies in the supermarkets.

That’s right. Mince pies.

Summer is over. Our bonus two week heatwave has ended and the leaves are starting to drop. And yes. There are mince pies in the supermarket.

I guess that means that for most of us, the routine is now officially back in action again. Kids are back at school, uni students are heading back and the world of work rumbles on.

So now we are all back, we are fast approaching the final quarter of the year. It’s that final push to get to December so here are three things to think about for post-summer success.

1.      Get planning and set your priorities.

Whether you are a 90 day planning aficionado or a see where the wind takes you kind of person, use your time now to set your goals to hit for the end of the year. Having clear objectives, realistic timescales and delegating tasks where you need to will set you up for a cracking end to the year.

If you are making a plan, make sure you involve your people as well – especially if you are intending to delegate aspects of your plan to them. Including your business plan into your teams objectives will amplify the power you have to get things done. if you don’t do this already, then have a think about building a performance framework for your team. (If you don’t know how to do that, give us a shout!)

2.      Reconnect with your team.

You may have been away, they may have been away, the office may have felt a little bit like a ghost ship over the summer… so now’s a great time to get together and reconnect.

We love a team workshop and this autumn we’ve been busy getting LOADS of people together to get them connecting and working better than ever.

Whether it’s a team planning session (see above!), planning how to communicate better together, ordering a team lunch in or a fun day out, building your team togetherness is one of the best things you can do in your business.

3.      Refresh your mindset.

We know a lot rides with you, the business owner, so give yourself a bit of a refresh.

If you are guilty of not taking a lunch break, we challenge you to do better at this in this final stretch of the year. You lead by example whether you realise it or not, so do yourself and the rest of your team a favour, and make sure you take a break.

If you need to get your head into a better space for embracing growth and adaptability, we can recommend Carol Dweck’s book “Mindset: How you can fulfil your potential”. Loads of learning in there to turn those rainy days into learning experiences.  

So – to get yourself set for the final push to the end of the year...

Get your act together.

Get your people together.

Get your head together.

1, 2, 3 – GO!!


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